Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Yesterday is Yellow

remember this session at Kolam Buaya park, dress by the online shop , photographer by Kak Doddy and model by me twitter @iccaanggriani.. like a sunlight summer yey.. and the colours is full flower and I love this session because i'm in good feel good mood ^_^

Hope me in the next session I'm in good smille good idea

hello my 20's. I'll be ready YOU of Course more be Better Than This

Nah, For this session I'm at Perbatasan KiloMeter 2 with Kab. Tanjung Palas. in under the large of tree "Beringin" #horror banget deh.. haha.. with Photograph Kak Ochi.. Model by me @iccaanggriani #www.twitter.com

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